Les bienfaits du yoga


In its most basic form, yoga refers to a group of physical, mental and spiritual practices designed to bring a permanent state of peace, and the most popular benefits of yoga have been widely renowned for some time.

It’s a way of life that was developed centuries ago and has become one of the most widespread wellbeing concepts globally. There are dozens of schools and disciplines each practising its own principles, but overall, these are some of the wide-reaching benefits that regular practice of yoga brings to the health of the mind and body:

It boosts happiness
It raises the levels of GABA in the brain, helping to prevent depression and improve overall mood.

It eliminates aches and pains
The process of stretching the muscles in key areas and aligning your back and posture correctly will naturally eliminate aches and pains and you’ll become more flexible and supple overall.

It helps improve sleep
Yoga has a positive impact on sleep due to the synergy of mind and body practices. The physical demands of the movements ensure that your muscles relax deeply during sleep, while the breathing techniques and sense of calm that it installs bring peace of mind as you enter your slumber.

Boosts self-confidence
The combination of body, mind and soul practice leads to a heightened sense of confidence. A combination of increased posture and a boost in brain chemicals make us feel more elevated and confident.

Improves body tone
The physical nature of yoga can do wonders for body tone and physique. When combined with healthy eating practice, yoga can be transformative.

Promotes a sense of calm
The mindfulness element of yoga induces a calming and peaceful feeling. The breathing techniques learnt during yoga practice can be used in other aspects of your life to help control stress and balance.

Along your journey to whole being wellness, the benefits that you seek from yoga may evolve to support your changing health and wellness goals. At Kamalaya Koh Samui Wellness Sanctuary & Holistic Spa we guide you through the discovery process and find a practice and yoga discipline that works perfectly for you and your physical abilities.

A variety of yoga styles are taught at Kamalaya, and our instructors will ensure that sessions are appropriate for your current level of experience and personal goals. Find out more here.


Mentors de Kamalaya

The team of Life Enhancement Mentors at Kamalaya Koh Samui Wellness Sanctuary & Holistic Spa lead guests on an inward journey of self-reflection and can ...
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Nettoyage et désintoxication

Nettoyer et désintoxiquer son corps est un excellent moyen de se mettre sur la voie d'une meilleure santé à long terme.
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Coût réel du café

Caffeine is a fast-acting stimulant that makes you feel more awake and energetic. Depending on the strength and quantity of caffeine consumed, its effects can ...
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Valeur de la retraite de yoga

Physical asanas (yoga postures) establish greater strength, flexibility, and balance. Additional physiological benefits include improved circulation, deepened sleep and improved posture and reduction in structural ...
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Introduction à la désintoxication en Thaïlande

Expériences de désintoxication à Kamalaya

Detox is a good idea. If you're new to the concept it's best to take things slowly.
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Pourquoi se désintoxiquer

Avec la croissance de la population mondiale, le nombre de polluants présents dans notre environnement et notre alimentation a considérablement augmenté.
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Régime végétalien : Guide pratique

Explorez les bases nutritionnelles d'un régime végétalien avec ce guide pour débutants.
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Les principaux avantages de la méditation

Prendre conscience de vos pensées persistantes et de vos schémas comportementaux
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Qu'est-ce que le stress ?

The signs of adrenal burnout are often hard to diagnose correctly, since they seem like part of everyday life. But if you suffer from an ...
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Hatha Yoga Pradipika

Hatha Yoga is essentially a manual for scientifically taking one's body through stages of control to a point at which one-pointed focus on the unmanifested ...
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Valeur de la retraite de yoga

Physical asanas (yoga postures) establish greater strength, flexibility, and balance. Additional physiological benefits include improved circulation, deepened sleep and improved posture and reduction in structural ...
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Ce qui est tendance chez Kamalaya

The award-winning progress and innovative approach to health and holistic wellbeing we’ve achieved have been commended across the pages of the world’s best wellness and ...
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Avantages de l'hydrothérapie du côlon

L'hydrothérapie du côlon peut aider à éliminer la plaque et les déchets qui se sont accumulés pendant de nombreuses années.
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Détoxification avant l'arrivée

Nous vous recommandons de suivre nos suggestions ci-dessous avant de vous inscrire à un programme de désintoxication.
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Patanjali (Devana-gari) est le compilateur du Yoga Sutra, une œuvre majeure contenant des aphorismes sur la sagesse pratique et philosophique concernant la pratique du Raja Yoga.
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Sondra Ray

Sondra Ray is known all over the world as a foremost spiritual leader and teacher. Having written 30 books about rebirthing, relationships, ideal birth, healing ...
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(La date d'arrivée prévue doit être réservée lors de l'achat, en cas de changement, elle peut être prolongée avec un préavis de 24 heures. )