Pranayama is the Sanskrit word for the yogic practice of focusing on the breath. Prana means vital life force and Yama means to gain control.
Breath is the vital, life-sustaining force of living beings and the vital energy in all natural processes of the universe. By focusing on breathing and gaining control of this vital life force, we can connect with our pure and essential selves and enter a state of complete mindfulness.
The benefits of regular Yoga Prana practice include:
- Reducción del estrés
- Improved sleep quality
- Increased mindfulness
- Reduced high blood pressure
- Improved lung function
- Enhanced cognitive performance
- Reduction in cigarette cravings
Pranayama is one of eight limbs on a path outlined by a leading yoga philosopher in The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali:
- Yama – abstentions
- Niyama – observances
- Asana – postures of the body
- Pranayama – control of prana or vital breath
- Pratyahara – abstraction or withdrawal of the powers of the senses from their respective objects
- Dharana – fixing the attention on a single object; concentration
- Dhyana – meditation
- Samadhi – super-conscious state or trance
If the ancient philosophies of yoga intrigue you as you develop your understanding of wellness and its principles, click here for a brief history of yoga.
Los beneficios de largo alcance de la práctica regular de yoga son transformadores para el bienestar de todo el ser. En Kamalaya Koh Samui Wellness Sanctuary & Holistic Spa incorporamos el yoga a muchos de nuestros programas y experiencias holísticos. Las múltiples clases diarias de yoga tienen lugar en las zonas más tranquilas y bellas de nuestro complejo y nuestros expertos instructores de yoga están aquí para guiarle a través del proceso de descubrimiento y encontrar una práctica y disciplina de yoga que funcione perfectamente para usted.