The story of Kamalaya began in 1982, in the far jungles of the Himalayas, when Kamalaya founders John and Karina Stewart first met. They conceived the idea for Kamalaya eleven years later, soon after they married, when they committed to creating a place that would be of service to the world.
Kamalaya was inspired by the 16 years John spent devoted to a life of service and spiritual studies in a Himalayan community and by Karina’s lifelong study and practice of diverse Asian healing and spiritual traditions, including her background as a doctor of Traditional Chinese medicine. John and Karina’s vision manifested as Kamalaya, a sanctuary for transformation and holistic healing with the dream of supporting you to truly flourish.
"Nuestra visión era la de un lugar en el que lo que es un proceso natural de la vida -que es el crecimiento y la transformación- fuera alimentado, guiado y apoyado. John y yo hemos estado comprometidos con esto desde muy temprano en nuestra vida. Queríamos apoyar ese crecimiento creando un lugar con todos los ingredientes adecuados, haciendo el terreno fértil y creando el contexto en el que esto pueda ocurrir y donde cada uno pueda florecer."
- Karina Stewart