In the post-pandemic world of today, stress has almost returned to become the norm. Because of our 24/7 online accessibility, if not managed properly, stress can become part of our everyday lives leading to burnout and significant health issues. The key is to build resilience and learn how to manage stress more effectively, which can make a significant difference in our overall wellbeing.
Understanding resilience and managing stress can vary greatly from person to person and is impacted by a lot of individual factors and personal experiences. While some might find it easier to control their stress response, others face significant barriers that make resilience more challenging. However, like a muscle, we can build resilience and strengthen our stress barriers by adopting some of these practices, highlighted by Kamalaya Koh Samui’s experts.
Look After Your Wellbeing: Being kind to yourself during stressful times is essential. Taking breaks and rewarding yourself for small achievements can improve your outlook on various situations and techniques such as deep breathing and mindfulness can be beneficial. Prioritising sleep, physical activity and a balanced diet can make stress easier to manage. Engage in activities that bring you joy, distract you from stress and provide a sense of accomplishment.
Change the Narrative: We often relive negative events which can perpetuate stress. Journaling can help you gain new perspectives and reduce stress. Also, trying to find silver linings in even upsetting experiences can help shift your mindset to a more positive outlook.
Face Your Fears: Gradually exposing yourself to fears, such as public speaking or heights, can help diminish their impact over time. This exposure therapy can help you build confidence and reduce fear-related stress.
Practice Self-Compassion: Offering yourself the same kindness you would offer a friend in distress can significantly reduce stress. Acknowledge your feelings without judgment,recognise that everyone experiences suffering and offer yourself self-kindness, words of comfort and reassurance.
Meditate: Mindfulness meditation practices such as the Body Scan can help you stay present and manage negative emotions more effectively. Practising mindful breathing can also anchor you during stressful moments, providing a sense of calm.
Cultivate Forgiveness: Forgiveness can be a powerful tool for reducing stress and improving mental health. It involves forgiving ourselves and others, learning and letting go of resentment while finding growth opportunities in negative experiences. By accepting that there’s learning in all the negative, it makes it easier to tackle the obstacles life throws at us.
The Basic Balance & Revitalise wellness program at Kamalaya Koh Samui Wellness Sanctuary & Holistic Spa is designed for holistic recovery from stress and burnout. It helps participants recover vibrant energy, balance their emotions and build a lifestyle of radiant health ideal for those seeking a better work-life balance. The retreat works in collaboration with Kamalya Koh Samui’s leading wellness consultants, TCM practitioners and life enhancement mentors to set the stage for a personalised journey to lifelong wellness.
avec Kamalaya
Faites l'expérience de la sagesse du yoga en tant que mode de vie holistique du corps, de l'esprit et de l'âme, grâce à des cours particuliers dispensés par des experts.