How to Support Heart Health


Supporting heart health is a crucial aspect of maintaining overall health and wellbeing. With cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) accounting for 1 in every 3 deaths worldwide according to WHO, it’s important that we take proactive measures and positive steps to promote heart health and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Adopting a heart-healthy diet lays a solid foundation. This entails incorporating a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and nuts into daily meals. Limiting the consumption of meat, processed foods and sweetened snacks while opting for fresh, unprocessed alternatives significantly contributes to heart health.

Similarly, maintaining a healthy weight is key in supporting the cardiovascular system.Excess weight places additional strain on the heart and is associated with an increased risk of developing hypertension, diabetes and other cardiovascular conditions. By shedding excess pounds, individuals can alleviate this burden on the heart and improve overall cardiovascular health. Kamalaya’s Ideal Weight wellness program can help support a journey to sustainableweight management.

Regular physical activity is also paramount for optimum cardiovascular health. Engaging in moderate exercise for at least 150 minutes per week helps to control blood pressure, improve cholesterol levels and manage weight. Incorporating enjoyable activities like dancing or gardening, brisk walking or even household chores can make staying active feel more like leisure than a chore.

Frequent monitoring of blood pressure and blood sugar levels is essential for early detection and management of hypertension – a major contributor to heart disease. Hypertension places excessive strain on the heart and blood vessels, increasing the risk of heart attacks, strokesand other cardiovascular complications.

It’s a well-known fact that tobacco use poses significant risks to heart health making quitting smoking a top priority. The immediate and long-term benefits of smoking cessation include reduced heart disease risk and increased life expectancy. Similarly, limiting alcohol and the consumption of any other drugs, or abstaining altogether, minimises the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Likewise, lifestyle modifications such as stress management techniques and relaxation activities contribute to overall cardiovascular wellness. Engaging in hobbies like meditationor listening to music can alleviate stress and promote mental wellbeing, which in turn benefits heart health.

Prioritising self-care whether through regular exercise, nutritious eating or maintaining a positive mindset is key to fostering a resilient and healthy heart. Incorporating simple changes such as opting for dark chocolate, taking the stairs instead of the elevator or enjoying a cup of herbal tea rather than a glass of wine are small steps that overall contribute to better heart health.

You can restart your renewed journey to heart health at Kamalaya Koh Samui Wellness Sanctuary & Holistic Spa. The Comprehensive Optimal Fitness wellness program is anenriching experience tailored to offer personalised support and expert guidance from a team of leading personal trainers, physiotherapists and life-enhancement mentors. You can choose from a range of retreat options and immerse yourself in a sanctuary of wellness, where you’ll discover new heart health practices, strengthen your body and mind, and have an opportunity to kickstart your journey towards vibrant health and wellness.


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