Ziele setzen


Setting life goals and feeling a sense of accomplishment is an essential part of our emotional wellbeing.

The satisfying rush of natural chemicals that we experience when we achieve something can make it quite addictive. We either have enough on our ‘to do’ list already, or we like to set goals that make the rush of achievement more potent each time.

The drawback to setting consistently ambitious or somewhat unachievable goals can lead us to a feeling of depletion if we find that we don’t often achieve them or abandon them halfway through. This then becomes counter-productive to the beauty of setting life goals in the first place.

The key is to find balance and set achievable goals in the first place. Here are some of our Kamalaya Personal Mentor’s top tips for setting achievable goals:

Be Specific
The more specifically you define your goal, the easier it is to visualise it and set smaller goals and tactics to achieve it. Write down the main concept of the goal, the timeline and a measurable value or way of determining success.

Now that you have a specific goal in place, write a list of all the most important top-line activities that need to be done to achieve it. These are milestones.

Break it down
Under each milestone, list all the tactics needed to achieve that milestone. Shuffle them into an order of sequence and those are the small goals that you need to achieve on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis.

Set deadlines
Put a calendar together and add each of the tasks from each of the milestones into each month and make it a goal to complete your monthly goals. You can further break it down and set deadlines for those tasks to be completed.

Focus on the task at hand
Focus on each of your tasks mindfully and complete them with as little distraction as possible before moving on to the next.

Celebrate small wins
When you’ve reached a milestone or completed a particularly challenging task, or a task with outstanding results – reward yourself. Celebrate the small wins. This helps keep you motivated throughout your goal getting adventure.

At Kamalaya Koh Samui Wellness Sanctuary & Holistic Spa we offer personal mentoring sessions that help create a strategy for your life. We follow a holistic approach that incorporates all aspects of your being to help you truly connect with your inner self, helping you to rediscover inner desires and goals and support you as you create a roadmap to personal success. Find out more here.

im Kamalaya Koh Samui
Relax and Renew ist perfekt für alle, die sich eine Pause von den Anforderungen des modernen Lebens gönnen oder sich eine Rückverbindung zu ihrem Geist gönnen möchten.

Wählen Sie zwischen 3, 5, 7, 9 oder 14 Tagen


auf Kamalaya Connect
Diese Sitzungen bieten die Möglichkeit, alle Wellness-Belange zu besprechen, sowie Ihre Gesundheitsziele, medizinischen Bedingungen und Berichte in völliger Vertraulichkeit zu überprüfen.

US$ 94
45 Minuten


Intro zu Detox Thailand

Entgiftungserlebnisse im Kamalaya

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Colon cleansing aids in the removal of plaque and waste matter that has accumulated over many years and has created blockages and sluggishness in the ...
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Our spa retreat is the perfect place to escape from the pressures of feeling overwhelmed, but for those times that you need to quickly regain ...
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Funktionelle Gesundheitstests

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Aufrechterhaltung der Gewichtsabnahme

Hier ist nur ein Vorgeschmack auf die Richtlinien für gesunde Ernährung, denen wir im Kamalaya folgen.
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Yoga Prana

Prana (Devanagari: pra-Na) is a Sanskrit word meaning 'breath' and is understood as the vital, life-sustaining force of living beings and the vital energy in ...
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The Primary Benefits of Meditation

Bringen Sie Bewusstsein für Ihre hartnäckigen Gedanken und Verhaltensmuster
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Kamalaya Koh Samui Wellness Sanctuary & Holistic Spa offers life-enriching programs that combine wellness and healing therapies designed for the wellbeing of the body, mind ...
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Yoga Prana

Prana (Devanagari: pra-Na) is a Sanskrit word meaning 'breath' and is understood as the vital, life-sustaining force of living beings and the vital energy in ...
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Vorteile von Yoga

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Aufrechterhaltung der Gewichtsabnahme

Aufrechterhaltung der Gewichtsabnahme

Hier ist nur ein Vorgeschmack auf die Richtlinien für gesunde Ernährung, denen wir im Kamalaya folgen.
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Entgiftungs-Therapien: Bio-Impedanz-Analyse, Colon-Hydro-Therapie, Fern-Infrarot-Sauna, Chi Nei Tsang, Lymphatische Massage & orientalisches Kräuter-Körperpeeling und -Packung
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