Can Positive Psychology Make You Happier?


We all strive for happiness. Not just to feel better, but due to the profound impact that it has on our physical, emotional and overall sense of wellbeing.

Research shows that happiness improves our physical health, promotes longevity and helps us form better relationships. Happier individuals also benefit from enhanced creativity and productivity, and they have higher levels of resilience.

Defining happiness isn’t as simple as it sounds, so it’s often divided into three parts. Momentary mood, how you feel right now; life satisfaction, your overall evaluation of your life; and domain-specific happiness, which is satisfaction in key areas like work, relationships, health and finances.

Positive psychology, on the other hand, is a branch of psychology that focuses on identifying and fostering the strengths and positive traits that enable individuals and communities to thrive. Rather than dwelling on problems and issues that life is bound to throw at us, positive psychology focuses on wellbeing, resilience and learning. Expanding what is already good in life brings a greater sense of happiness.

The core principles of positive psychology are centred around fostering growth and emphasising what is already positive in life. It focuses on recognising and building on individual strengths (rather than fixing weaknesses) and encourages positive emotions such as joy, gratitude, awe, curiosity and love.

There are many practices that we can adopt to enhance our personal positive psychology, and therefore our overall sense of happiness. From expressing gratitude and savouring the moment to focusing on strengths and cultivating optimism, these tactics, recommended by the experts at Kamalaya Koh Samui, can help boost the positivity of your psychology.

Express gratitude dedicate time each day to appreciate life’s positives. You can begin your mornings by reflecting on something you’re thankful for or excited about, to set a positive tone for the day.

Savour the moment pause during enjoyable experiences to fully immerse yourself in the details taking a mental note of the sights, smells and sounds. Then create small rituals and often, to enhance your appreciation of simple joys, like savouring your morning coffee.

Focus on strengths identify natural talents and focus on these. Don’t remunerate on the things that don’t come so naturally and instead focus on the strengths at hand. Expand your abilities through self-learning and practice self-compassion along the way.

Cultivate optimism learn how to reframe negative situations by focusing on lessons or growth opportunities. Instead of self-critique, use optimistic language to address challenges positively, and surround yourself with uplifting people, books and materials.

Set meaningful goals reflect on your core values to set goals that align with your priorities. Use the SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-based) framework to make your goals actionable and then track progress, celebrating milestones to stay motivated.

If you’ve sought to improve your life and wellbeing in 2025, Kamalaya Koh Samui Wellness Sanctuary & Holistic Spa presents the unique opportunity to reflect on your lifestyle and learn how to transform it using the longevity secrets of centenarians from the world’s blue zones.

From 10 – 16 May 2025, join us for the Blue Zones Group Retreat at Kamalaya where you’ll learn life-changing advice from the longest-living people on the planet like how they cook, what they eat, how they move and what gets them up in the morning.

You’ll get the chance to develop lifelong tools and how to reshape your environment, whilst realigning your values and actions to serve your purpose. Throughout the program you’ll also discover how to nurture supportive relationships and how to declutter every aspect of your life, making space for what brings you joy.


with Kamalaya
Integrative fitness program for your holiday retreat in Thailand.


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