Social Media Use and Its Connection to Mental Health


As technology continues to shape almost every aspect of our lives, social media has become central to how we connect, share, shop, live and much more. While it offers a convenient way to maintain relationships, find inspiration and explore creativity, its influence on our mental health is extensive.

As humans, we’re inherently social beings and it is essential for our emotional wellbeing that we maintain strong connections with our ‘tribe’. Studies have shown that positive social relationships can offer a buffer against isolation, stress, anxiety and depression, whilst helping to improve self-worth and extend longevity.

Social media platforms offer ways to stay connected to our friends, family and coworkers.When used mindfully and in moderation it can enrich our lives by helping us to stay more in touch, build communities around interests and worthwhile causes, provide access to supportand allow for creative expression and learning.

Digital connections, however, often fall short of the psychological impact of in-person relationships. Also, the rapid growth of social media usage means that the long-term health implications are yet to be measured, however, studies already show the detrimental impact on our mental health, especially that of young people or those with low self-esteem.

Social media can often negatively promote feelings of inadequacy and envy, increased loneliness and isolation, exposure to cyberbullying and the potential to develop self-absorption, where seeking validation through likes and shares becomes a priority over building meaningful connections or experiences.

Social media platforms tend to capitalise on psychological triggers that make them addictive. Features like Likes, Shares and Notifications release dopamine, a “feel good” chemical,which encourages continuous engagement and can lead to addiction. The more we pursue these dopamine highs through social media, the more time we spend online, which decreases the time we engage in real-life and fulfilling experiences.

Balancing virtual engagement with offline connections is crucial to preserving our mental wellbeing and why at Kamalaya Koh Samui Wellness Sanctuary & Holistic Spa we believe that the Digital Detox policy is part of the holistic healing journey. By switching off and disconnecting from online distractions, guests can fully immerse themselves in wellness and reconnect with their internal healer.

Embracing Change & Emotional Harmony wellness program at Kamalaya Koh Samui is a holistic retreat that’s good for an emotional reset and life change management. It can help kickstart a new approach to digital consumption and restore the impact of excessive social media use on our physical and emotional health and wellbeing.

Working with TCM practitioners, wellness consultants and life enhancement mentors you’ll follow a specially selected sequence of massage therapies and Traditional Chinese Medicine designed to release physical and emotional blockages and achieve inner balance and confidence. You’ll find freedom from unhelpful thought patterns, develop self-compassion and explore healing of past trauma.


with Kamalaya
Embark on a journey of self discovery as you work with our Life Enhancement Mentors to explore your inner life and emotional patterns.


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