Stressbewältigung vor Burnout


As you make your journey to whole being wellness, ensure that you learn the essential internal tools needed to cope during times of stress throughout life.

Ongoing stress causes a prolonged physiological response that can have serious consequences and may manifest physically, mentally and emotionally if not properly managed. Constant fatigue, insomnia, low blood pressure, back and joint pain, decreased immunity and anxiety are all symptoms of stress.

At Kamalaya Koh Samui Wellness Sanctuary & Holistic Spa we follow a fully holistic approach to stress management. This involves addressing the root cause with our stress management sessions, physical therapy through massage, and mind work through breathing and mindfulness practices.

Unsere Stressmanagement-Programme wie Basic Balance & Revitalisieren und Umfassendes Gleichgewicht & Revitalisierung bewerten Ihren Lebensstil und Ihre Hauptstressoren sowie Ihre Lebens- und Wohlfühlziele, und das alles in der ruhigen Umgebung unseres Spa-Retreats in Thailand. Anschließend empfehlen wir Ihnen praktische Hilfsmittel und Techniken, mit denen Sie die Auswirkungen von Stress in Ihrem Leben besser bewältigen können, und entwickeln maßgeschneiderte Strategien, die Ihnen helfen, Situationen besser unter Kontrolle zu haben, sich ruhig zu fühlen, klar zu denken und Stresssituationen besser zu bewältigen. Mit täglicher Übung können Sie potenziell stressige Situationen sowohl proaktiv als auch reaktiv bewältigen.

The Kamalaya Chi Nei Tsang abdominal massage relieves digestive problems caused by stress and it promotes circulation and therefore health of the internal organs. This massage technique helps balance the nervous system to release stress and facilitate healing. Based on the Taoist theory that refers to the ‘gut’ as a ‘second brain’, this treatment releases stored emotional and psychological tension and stress thereby promoting healing on an emotional level.

Pranayama is a system of yogic breathing techniques designed to maximise the flow of prana (vital life force) and one we recommend for stress management. A private session will guide you through various tailored techniques to regulate your breath, calm your mind, balance emotions, and reduce stress and anxiety.

Browse our thoughtfully curated wellness menu for a full range of holistic therapies, most of which boast stress-reducing features.

Anzeichen von Stress & Burnout


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Entgiftungsnahrung in Thailand

Vorteile der Entgiftung

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Was ist Entgiftung?

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